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Divine Union
14 juillet 2011


"Even if your adult (self) doesn't believe in God, your inner child believes in something greater than himself. Children are natural believers."

Extract from "Home Coming" by John Bradshaw

"Except ye be converted, and become as little chidren, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 18:3

  The 2 paths of Natural and Divine Love

There are two major types of evolutionary paths that are given to all men and women thus far. The first ones are quite known in the spiritual circles / religions of the planet. The second one is the one designed by God and taught by Jesus and Mary:

  • The paths of natural or human love: to learn from our own experiences according to our own rules, the physical laws and human morality, and raise the level of human love that is within us, in our heart, independently of God's love. These are the paths currently chosen by the majority of humanity - whether on a conscious spiritual journey or not - aspiring to develop their intellectual, spiritual and moral qualities. Most of the millions of spiritual and religious teachings on the planet are natural paths. They are relatively slow and painful paths that allow, however, to eventually reach the pure "perfected human" state that was that of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden of the Bible before their fall. This perfected state you may reach, without any suffering of the soul - some emotions being just transcended though - is, however, limited and temporary because one is also subject to temptations and a further fall (pride, anger, sloth, lust, greed etc. ...). In this state, one finds again his soul in the image of God, but it is just a finished completion because one cannot grow further in love and joy. This state does not allow soul mates - the two halves of each original soul -  to enter into Divine Union. The ability to follow these paths has a duration that only God knows.

  • The path of Divine Love or 'the Way': this unique path includes all the Divine Truth from all existing natural paths on earth. It is about developing our level of love endlessly with the help of the Divine Love received from God, being totally reliant on God and following God's Divine or Absolute laws only. This path requires us to develop a personal relationship with God, with a strong faith in God's existence and goodness and a sincere longing for God's Love and Truth. It is not part of any religion or dogma, but is a personal and purely experiential path. It is also full of grace and leads to the at-onement of our soul with that of God, the Divine Union. This requires a 'New Birth' of the soul which is literally transformed by the Divine Love it has received from God, not just into His image, but into the very substance of God. This is the entrance into the Celestial Kingdom of God and man becomes at that moment a celestial spirit or angel. It is an eternal or immortal state of the soul of ever growing love and joy in which one can endlessly grow his/her condition of love, and which leads to the Divine Union of soul mates (the path of the Beloved). The possibility to follow this path is temporary.

About the Divine Love Path

  • This path is not religious or dogmatic in any way since it existed well before the creation of religions on earth. It is purely experiential in the personal development of one's direct relationship with God.
  • This path is not spiritual (not related to spirits, meditation, altered states of consciousness, of channeling in the new age etc). This is an individual path of the soul towards Divine Love and Divine Truth, for those souls who are on this journey. This is not the way of Buddhists and yogis. This is the path of the Beloved.
  • This path is not a teaching or a metaphoric card. This is the royal road of the soul that can take all men and women wishing to experience the path of Divine Love, whatever their religions or beliefs.
  • This path is known through Christ Jesus (Yeshua Ben Josef) who demonstrated for the first time on Earth 2000 years ago, the opportunity to be at-one with God while being a living human in a physical body. That's why we call it the Christ path, the user manual about how to become a Christ, that is to say reach Christ consciousness through the merging of the soul with God's.
  • This path is available to all humanity, whatever religion, creed, nationality, race etc. ... It is a unique path. There is no other way to become at-one with God, immortal, free from all suffering from any disease, in divine union with one's soul mate (or twin soul), and free to develop into a condition of endless growing joy and happiness of the soul.
  • This path - and thus the opportunity to receive Divine Love - was shut down by God after the denial of Divine Love by the first pair of humans Aman and Amon (known as Adam and Eve) and then was re-opened by God at the time of Jesus 2000 years ago. According to Yeshua, the ability to receive Divine Love and become at-one with God will likely be removed again from humanity in a not too distant future; a time that only God knows.
  • The ability to receive Divine Love, however, can never be taken away from all the souls who have already received a little or a lot of it, and from all the souls whose soul mates have already merged with God, that is, who live in the Kingdom of God as celestial spirits.
  • Created in the perfection of all of God's creation, the rules governing this path are so simple that even a child can understand it (is more likely to understand them in fact than a adult!). However, it is not easy to follow.


 Why have you not heard about this path before?

This path was taught for the first time on earth by Jesus 2000 years ago. These teachings about Divine Love and Divine Truth were later widely distorted by the interpretations and dogmatic trends of the church. As a result, they have been forgotten, judged and rejected by most of humanity. And for believers / religious people, they do not lead to Union with God - which was the original message of Christ - and thus generate a lot of disappointment, frustration and anger against the church, and also against a wrathful and punishing God who is not the true God, Creator of our soul.

It is only from 1935 than Jesus and Mary become one soul again and could consider coming back on earth, and it is only in 1962 that Jesus came back, being the first soul ever reincarnating on earth, followed by 13 others souls including Mary and 6 other pairs of soul mates. They came with the intention to demonstrate again the Divine Love Path as Jesus did in the first century.


Some Truth About God


  • God is a being, an entity with a soul, just like you and me. She is the parent or creator of all human souls and designer of all the Laws governing the creation of the Universe (the material and the spiritual universes), including everything in nature and all living creatures as there were before the arrival of the first humans.
  • God has place of habitation, wich is somewhere outside of Her creation.
  • God is not an abstract force, without personality, nor is he a part of his creation (God or the Divine is not within us)
  • God is so vast we can only approach from a great distance what He really is, He has such a great wealth of qualities and attributes.
  • God can not be understood by our finite mind because He is infinite.
  • We can communicate with God only by the emotional feelings of our heart / soul, which is the way in which God communicates with us His Love and Truth.
  • Anyone can establish a personal relationship with God.
  • God's nature is infinite, love, beauty, holiness, goodness, grace, forgiveness ...
  • God is never punishing and wrathful, nor sitting on His golden throne somewhere far up there.
  • God does not see us as sinful and depraved creatures (like some churches teachings want us to believe), but as Her precious children, the "most wonderful of all Her handiworks and the objects of Her greatest Love and tenderest care".
  • God wishes with all His heart to know and love very much all of His children, and that they become at-one with Him.
  • God is infinitely better than the best parent that you can ever dream of in His infinite love, generosity and goodness.
  • God can give us access to the immortality of our soul in transforming our soul in God's substance (being at-one with God) if: 1) we long passionately to and receive His Divine Love in our soul, 2) we long passionatey to know and live by His Divine Truth / Divine laws, and 3) if we are humble enough (longing passionately to feel and experience all of our soul emotions whether they are painful or pleasant). This is called the path of Divine Love that leads to Divine Union with God, a state of Christ Consciousness.